Merlot Mudpies

Can a blog be about gardening, cancer, family, food and life all at the same time? Oh good.

Talking About Seeds March 4, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mary @ 10:03 am

For Grandma

Originally uploaded by merlot

Here he is working on starting his seeds. We ended up with about 20 beans and 25 sunflower seeds crammed into all the pots. Mommy maybe perhaps did a littttttle fixing once the master gardener was off taking his nap…


Starting Seeds

Filed under: garden,Gardening,Organic Gardening,zucchini — Mary @ 9:44 am

Waiting for seeds is like waiting for Christmas.  The anticipation is building in our house right now while little peat pots sit quietly in their makeshift greenhouses waiting to sprout.  I’ve only got 25 pots going right now.  I tried to restrain myself.  And I’m finding that this year, again, I’ll probably rely on starts that I purchase instead of only just growing from seed.  The Heirloom Tomato Sale starts in just a week or two at Hawthorne’s Country Store.  Their supplier loves his plants.  I feel good buying from him.  He’s the one who encouraged me to try Sungold even though they are a hybrid.  I loved them.  I had them coming out my ears last year.  But I’m going to plant two this time.  It’s like having a candy plant.  But the fruit is nutritious!  Eamonn just started liking tomatoes this year so I’m looking forward to eating tomatoes off the vines with him — an unfulfilled vision from last year’s first season of Planting With Toddler.

Speaking of toddlers…my little baby is not so baby anymore.  He’ll be 3 this month and he’s a lot more content in the garden these days.  I’ll be preparing him his own little garden bed this week that he can walk in all he wants without mommy hollering, “DOWN ON THE PATH!  AUGH! THOSE ARE CARROTS!  GET DOWN!”  He started some seeds with me, too.  4 sunflowers, one pot of Brandywine tomatoes (I think…mommy forgot to label his), and one pot of green beans.  The green bean is already starting to peek its little sprout head through the soil.

He’s a very professional gardener, my guy:


Eamonn starts seeds while wearing his special gardening goggles.

Eamonn starts seeds while wearing his special gardening goggles.

My seed chart.  You can see some of the varieties in there:


Lots of tomatoes and a few other odds and ends

Lots of tomatoes and a few other odds and ends

My pots.  My lovely little pots.


My pots prepped and seeded, waiting for the growth to begin.

My pots prepped and seeded, waiting for the growth to begin.

Along with Black Krim, Costoluto, Persimmon, Brandywine, Jubiliee and Orange Flamme tomatoes, I’m starting two yellow crook neck squash (no more than that this time…I learned my lesson!) and some cucumbers…Armenians, I think.  Trust me, many pictures will be taken of my babies when they pop their heads up for the first time.  

I’m finding it’s not Eamonn who’s having to be warned off of lifting the lids off the greenhouses 20 times a day…Starting seeds forces patience on the impatient gardener.